Monday, December 10, 2012

Time Saving Tips: Helping Busy Mothers Reclaim the Family Dinner

Launching our baby food company, Petit Organics while being full-time moms (we have a total of five kids between the two of us!) has been quite an experience.  At the beginning, our friends thought we were nuts to take on the challenge, but we have always truly believed in what we are doing – providing families with the only 100% organic, fresh baby food delivery service in Manhattan. After a long day whipping up perfect purees, the last thing either of us wants to do is head straight into our home kitchens to toil away for another hour making dinner.  We’re guessing most of the working moms out there share our sentiments! Since starting our business in 2010, we have gathered some fantastic shortcuts for getting a tasty dinner on the table quickly and efficiently. Read on for ten tips that will help you take back control (along with your sanity) when creating a delicious dinner for your family.

  1. Commit to meal planning on a weekly basis.  Write down seven days worth of dinners so that you can make a complete shopping list before going to the grocery store.  This will prevent last-minute ingredient runs or impulse purchases (hands off the Oreos)!
  2. Think about how leftovers can be used in the next days’ meal.  This will cut prep-time substantially. See below for a delish roast chicken recipe, we always make two a time so that there is some for the next day – leftover chicken is SO versatile…perfect for soups, pastas, salads, etc.
  3. Let go of some recipes. Do you find yourself begging your kids to eat your perfectly prepared pan-seared scallops?  Ask yourself if those scallops are REALLY worth the arguments that usually ensue.
  4. Have a list of at least five meals that you ALWAYS have ingredients for in the pantry. This will help out in situations when you are running late or don’t have time to go to the grocery store.
  5. Your freezer is your FRIEND! It is so easy to double a marinara sauce for pasta and freeze half.  Same goes for a hearty chili in the winter or veggie lasagna in the summer.
  6. Get a slow-cooker, they are AWESOME!  The idea of dropping ingredients in a slow-cooker and eight hours later you have a delicious and complete dinner is, well… amazing!
  7. Don’t be afraid to take some extra help when you can get it.  Need to sneak some veggies into one of your meals? Petit Organics is here to help nourish the whole family.  Seriously, we are not kidding about this, our purees are a fantastic addition to so many recipes! See below to learn how to make super easy green rice that your picky toddlers will gobble up.
  8. Kids love theme nights. Monday is Mexican night, Wednesday is Italian night and Friday is slow-cooker night. This idea is extra fun for your little ones if you allow them to help select the theme.
  9. Set a routine and keep it by having a definitive dinnertime. This will keep your kids from moping around the kitchen asking “When is dinner going to be ready?”  
  10. Don’t underestimate your little helpers and have your kids pitch in. It’s no secret that kids love to feel important – this is the perfect way to include them in tasks such as mixing, sprinkling spices or setting the table.
Green Rice
Makes 6 servings

  • 2 containers of Petit Organics simply zucchini (or 1 large zucchini, cooked & pureed)
  • 1/4 cup low-sodium vegetable or chicken stock
  • 1 cup brown rice, cooked
  • 2 tablespoons shallots, minced
  • 3/4 cup pecorino cheese
  • Kosher sea salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste
Prepare brown rice according to the directions. In a large bowl, combine zucchini purée, stock, rice, shallots, cheese, salt and pepper. Stir to combine. Serve warm.

Roast chicken
Makes 6-8 servings

  • 2 organic roasting chickens (washed with insides removed)
  • 1 tbsp dried thyme
  • 1 tbsp dried oregano
  • 1 tbsp dried rubbed sage
  • 2 tbsp kosher sea salt
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp fresh cracked pepper
  • 1 large lemon, quartered
  • 1 large onion, quartered
  • 4 cloves garlic, whole
  • 3 cups reduced-sodium organic chicken stock or water
  • Butchers twine for trussing the chicken
Set oven to 350 degrees F.  Place chicken (breast side up) on a roasting rack in a pan.  Mix the thyme, oregano, rubbed sage, sea salt, pepper and olive oil until a paste-like consistency forms.  Using your hands or a spoon, slide the paste under the skin and rub liberally on the chicken breasts.  Use any extra on the outside of the skin all over the chicken.  Place half the lemon, half the onion and 2 cloves garlic in the cavity of each chicken and truss the chickens.  Add chicken to the pan and bake uncovered in the oven for 1.5 hours.  It is also very easy to toss 4-5 sweet potatoes on a sheet pan for 45 minutes during the cooking process.  Sautee some fresh baby spinach in olive oil and voila – dinner is served.  Most families will not eat both chickens in one meal, so you can easily use the leftover meat for another meal or two later in the week.  Think chicken enchiladas or chicken and rice soup (both easy to freeze).  We are all about the multi-tasking!

Bon appetit to you and your bébés!

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