Friday, February 1, 2013

Cooking and Playing: Homemade Play-dough

During these cold, winter months in NYC it is a challenge to head outdoors with the kiddos. Keeping the littles ones occupied without leaving the house becomes a must, otherwise they end up stir-crazy and climbing your walls.  Below is a recipe for play-dough that is fun for both you and your child: spending time in the kitchen with mom AND playing with the play-dough after it is prepared. Enjoy!

Non-Toxic (and Technically Edible) Play-Dough Recipe


4 cups water
4 cups flour
2 cups salt (yes, two full cups!)
8 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Food coloring


  1. Combine flour, salt and cream of tartar in a medium to large pot and sift together until thoroughly mixed.
  2. Add the water to the mixture and stir until the lumps are gone.
  3. Next, add the vegetable oil and stir.
  4. When the mixture is completely smooth, add the food coloring (most packets have color chart suggestions). Have fun and experiment!
  5. Place the pot over low heat and stir constantly using a wooden spoon - this takes a LOT of arm strength so Mommy, Daddy or sitter should step in here. Continue stirring for 15 minutes.
  6. When the mixture is in a big ball or lump and is not sticky to pinch, scoop out of the pot onto a cutting board.
  7. Let cool for 5-10 minutes, knead and Tada! Perfect play-dough for you and your little one!
Note: Store in an air-tight container when not using and the play-dough will last for 1 week to 3 months. The perfect rainy day activity. Have fun with your bebes!

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